The executive orders are as follows:
EO 2025-11 – Reorganize Executive Orders: Review and create a page of active executive orders to create transparency for Hoosiers.
EO 2025-12 – Budget Discipline: Direct OMB (Office of Management and Budget) to develop policies and incentives to ensure agencies operate within their budgets.
EO 2025-13 – Key Performance Metrics aligned to outcomes that impact Hoosiers: Direct OMB to work with agencies to develop Key Performance Metrics and create a dashboard to monitor performance.
EO 2025-14 – Replacing DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) in Government with MEI (Merit, Excellence, and Innovation): Direct agencies to examine policies and procedures to ensure compliance with recent Supreme Court ruling, closes Chief Equity Inclusion and Opportunity Office.
EO 2025-15 – Removing Degree Requirements for State jobs: Direct SPD (State Personnel Department) to examine all job postings and remove degree requirements to the extent possible and replace with skills or experience-based alternatives.
EO 2025-16 – Return to Work: Directs state employees back to the office by July 1, 2025, and for OMB to work with SPD to develop policies detailing exceptions to this.
EO 2025-17 – Reducing Regulation / Regulatory Sunset: Requires agencies to reduce regulatory burdens by 25 percent by Jan. 1, 2029, requires comparison of regulations to other states on sunset review and default to least regulated option. Directs agencies to move regulations into code if regulations not touched in over 8 years.
EO 2025-18 – Professional Licensing Deregulation: Requires agencies to examine professional licensing requirements and reduce them to the extent possible.
EO 2025-19 – Implementation of StateRAMP: Directs Indiana to join the StateRAMP program which is a state-based cloud computing framework that establishes common requirements for vendors to meet across jurisdictions.
A full list of executive orders signed by Gov. Braun can be found here: