Randy Head to become Pulaski County chief deputy prosecutor

Pulaski County's new chief deputy prosecutor will be Randy Head of Logansport, who announced Monday (July 29) that he will resign his position as a state senator, effective Aug. 12, after more than 10 years of service in the Indiana General Assembly.

He will serve with new Pulaski County Prosecutor Kelly Gaumer who assumes office Saturday (Aug. 3), to complete the term of Daniel Murphy who announced his retirement earlier this month.

“First and foremost, I want to say that I am grateful to the people of Senate District 18 for putting their faith in me and allowing me to represent them at the Statehouse over the years,” Head said in a news release. “I have worked on a lot of different issues during my service, authoring more than 70 bills that became law, but now it’s time for me to step away from the statehouse in order to pursue a new public service opportunity as the chief deputy prosecutor for Pulaski County. I appreciate all that I have learned and been a part of thanks to the leadership of our caucus. It has truly been an honor to serve the people of Indiana.”

The state Republican Party is responsible for Head’s replacement for the final year of his current senate term. A caucus will be convened with all of District 18's precinct heads to choose a successor to the senate seat.

Head previously served terms as deputy prosecutor in Cass, Tippecanoe, Marion and Lake counties.

Senate President Pro Tem Rodric Bray (R-Martinsville) praised Head’s record of service in the senate.

“Randy’s practical knowledge and experience in the courtroom have made him a tremendous asset to our team as we have worked to improve our criminal justice system, but his impact on the state of Indiana goes far beyond the improvements he made to Indiana’s criminal laws,” Bray said. “His ability to articulate a concise, coherent message combined with his work ethic and eye for detail allowed him to positively impact many areas of the state’s business. Beyond his practical knowledge, everyone who knows Randy knows, though he’s never one to be short on a joke, he is passionate about the people of Indiana and making our state a better place for Hoosiers to call home. We will miss Sen. Head’s leadership, service and friendship, but we certainly wish him the best in his new endeavor.”

Head is a graduate of Wabash College and earned his law degree from Indiana University. He married to Cass County Prosecutor Lisa Swaim.



Head has represented Senate District 18 since 2008. The district currently encompasses Cass, Fulton and Miami counties and portions of Carroll, Kosciusko and Marshall counties.

During his tenure, Head focused on civil and criminal issues, protecting children, curbing the drug epidemic and improving local government.

A long-time advocate for children, Head is the author of several major laws that increased penalties and eliminated loopholes for child abusers and those who create and distribute child pornography.

Head is also the author of 2019’s major school bus safety initiative, Senate Enrolled Act 2, also known as the MAXSTRONG Act, which increases penalties for drivers who ignore school bus laws and prevents children from crossing high-speed roads to board the bus.

In 2016, Head authored Senate Enrolled Act 80, which gave pharmacists discretion to deny sales of pseudoephedrine products if the pharmacist suspects it will be used to make methamphetamine. This law, designed to deter meth production and reduce the number of meth labs in the state, led to a significant overall reduction in meth-lab busts.

Head also authored measures that require continuing education for prescribers of opioids in order to help curb the opioid crisis in Indiana.

Over the course of his tenure, Head has served as chair of the Senate Committees on Local Government, Civil Law, and Judiciary.


Sources for this article include a news release from the office of State Senator Randy Head