Fire Marshal urges Hoosiers to heat homes wisely

INDIANAPOLIS – After an unusually warm week for early November, state officials are reminding Hoosiers to choose heating sources wisely when the temperatures drop.

According to the Indiana Department of Homeland Security, unsafe alternative heating sources such as space heaters and ovens are a leading cause of house fires and fire-related deaths each winter.

It’s not uncommon for space heaters to be placed too close to flammable items such as curtains, bedding and clothing.

“Space heaters need space,” said Indiana State Fire Marshal James Greeson in a statement, “and we recommend they be turned off whenever the room they are in is unoccupied and at bedtime each night. We also recommend Hoosiers buy space heaters with built-in tilt sensors, so that they automatically turn off if tipped over. It’s also important not to overload a circuit or power strip or run an extension cord under rugs.”

While some people turn to wood stoves and fireplaces for warmth, Greeson says to use only dry, seasoned firewood to prevent the buildup of creosote. Creosote can keep a chimney from venting properly.

Fire isn’t the only threat. Closing a damper too early can lead to unsafe levels of carbon monoxide.

“It’s vital to have a sturdy screen to prevent sparks from flying into the room and equally important to allow ashes to cool before disposing of them,” Greeson said in a release. “Ashes should be thrown away in a metal container that is kept outside at a safe distance from the home.”

Greeson urges Hoosiers using wood stoves and wood-burning fireplaces to have chimney flues inspected annually.

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