Opening items on the board’s agenda included a Spotlight on Excellence presentation and public comment.
Financial Items
The board reviewed claims, the fund report and EPCSC summary.
Approval was given to transfers:
- Cafeteria transfer from December 2024
- Medicaid to Education Fund
Approval was also given to grant cleanups, and the ECA (extra-curricular account) balances for the elementary, middle and high schools.
The board also approved a summary of education expenditures.
Personnel Items
The school board accepted the recommendations to employ the following:
- Lori Sinn - Custodian
- Luke Pugh - Boys Golf Coach (Volunteer)
- Karla Redweik - MS Girls Track Coach
- Shanna Bonnell - MS Girls Track Coach (Volunteer)
The board accepted the resignation of Amelia Montes - Nutrition Staff.
The board terminated the employment of Jett Fritz – Custodian.
Action and Discussion Items
The school board accepted a $6,173 donation from The Cross A Wesley Ministry – for the school’s Helping Hands project, an account which supplies students in need with school supplies and additional items.
A recommendation was approved to declare as surplus 31 old PCs from the former computer lab.
An overnight trip was approved to allow wrestlers to stay overnight for semi-state competition in Hammond, and in Indianapolis for state, if any wrestlers advance.
The meeting concluded with principals’ and the superintendent’s reports.
Executive session
The school board met in executive session following the regular meeting, pursuant to Indiana’s Open Meeting Law, to discuss job performance evaluation of individual employees. No information outside the advertised code was discussed in this meeting.